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Fixturing Machinery CAD Service Tooling
Examples - Parts
We manufacture parts from tough materials , like Titanium and Hastaloy.
We like to be able to say "If it were easy, anyone could do it."
Many of our jobs are not easy, but we embrace the challenge and the
opportunity to advance our knowledge and experience level.
We enjoy a 100% success rate, never having been beaten by a challenge.

We have experience with many types of tool steels, die steels, and stainless grades.
Cast iron machining and resources for producing castings of iron, aluminum, or steels
are amoung our capabilities. Also, various grades of aluminum and magnesium.

It is not uncommon for us to hold tolerances of .0002" TIR, of Diameters, perpendicularity,
concentricity, and flatness.
We're accoustomed to taking on the tough jobs "nobody else wants".
We're committed to doing this the right way, at a fair price, and in a timely manner.

Below are examples of the variety of our precise part manufacturing capabilities.
Precision Aircraft components machined complete from solid.
Precision ground Spindle components and assemblies
Entire assembly packages
Broken castings, reverse engineered and re-manufactured.
Investment castings, delivered, finish machined
Complete assembly packages
Complex machined, ground, and oxided shapes are done "in house".

Plate shapes